jeudi 30 août 2018

worlds first itel prime 4 android 7.0 frp done uat

worlds first itel prime 4 android 7.0 frp done uat
Searching Device ... [Fastboot Mode]
Device Found

Reading Device Info.

Version : 1.0
Product :
Serial No :

Resetting FRP Please wait...

FRP Reset Successfuly Done..

Rebooting Device
r15pro fs format no loader found
Operation : Format FS
Checking for existing devices...Found
Port : Android HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM390)
Driver Info : TCL, qcusbser.sys,
Opening Port...OK
Init Handshake Sequence...OK
Hardware ID : E1C00800 [8976] 00005100
OPK_DATA : 5C7D0E0F4D5796B40D7399F476CA476FD14D27E871F6F59734 CA4F5236ACA2AA
Initializing Protocol...OK
Using Auto Loader Selection [4]
No compatible loader found. Device may not boot with this loader.
Preparing Firehose Loader...Done
Sending Loader [8976_011.ufl]...Write Error!
Please use correct loader and check USB port / cable.
Operation Failed.
Module Ver. 2.6

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